Ruby Marketing & Business Accelerator

Work with Gilda to bring your service based offering to the world!

one-on-one business growth coaching


Gilda. What a godsend! What Gilda does is she give you Planning Permission and an Architects Plan and then we go into builder mode and she starts building your house with you! It is like you building a cob house in a community, with a community. Together is better she says. Having experienced this, I get it. I didn’t have a map cos I don’t know that stuff. Gilda does. And I need what she knows! But the knowing is only there for the doing. Gilda maps it out. She holds your hand. You do the work and she gets her hands dirty. Stuff happens. Houses get built.

Gwendolen Ward

Gilda’s One on One Coaching Programme is tailored to your Business Growth needs.

In the One-on-One Lists, Launches and Leverage Programme we start where you currently are, and we set 3 and 6 month measurable goals that we work towards achieving.

We meet weekly, fortnightly or monthly, depending on the pace that you would like to progress at. The programme is built around the practical steps needed to get your online, service based business into the world successfully.

This programme is ideal for you if

You have an existing business, and you are ready to

  • Increase revenue
  • Reach and impact more people 
  • Expand into new markets 
  • Launch a new offer
  • Add to your business growth knowledge

Or, if you have a service based offering, and you are ready to

  • Bring it to market
  • Successfully launch
  • Make an impact
  • Earn an income


Following our initial discussion, the programme is tailored to support you in best achieving your objectives.

Four Powerful Modules building on each other in a practical, step by step way that is achievable.

#1. Master Your Messaging

Understanding your ideal client, what they are looking for, and how your offer solves their need. Clarify this and your efforts become relevant and targeted.

Get clear on WHO your ideal client is, WHY are they hiring, and HOW can you solve this for them.

Develop highly relevant messaging. Leverage this in every single business growth strategy and client engagement.


  • Who is your Ideal Client
  • What is their Job To Be Done
  • How does your service address their JTBD
  • Craft Base Messaging Elements

'A business is not about selling a product, a business is about giving someone a result.' Russell Brunson

#2. Lists for Life

Generally people don’t buy the first time they hear about you, so it’s best to find ways to build a relationship with them over time.

Social media is excellent, but vulnerable to the ever changing algorithms. Follow a strategy to build a contact list (generally email) so that you have full control over the engagement process. An active list is the most powerful sales tool in your kit

  • Build a healthy contact list of the RIGHT people for your offers aka Your personal income printing press!
  • An active list is the most powerful sales tool in your kit
  • Set up your hardest working sales ‘person’ and set on (almost) autopilot


  • Campaign – Strategy to drive your ideal clients to your Optin Freebie
  • Sales Landing Page – A page dedicated to encouraging your ideal client to sign up to receive your high value optin freebie
  • Optin Freebie – A valuable resource that your ideal client wants enough to exchange their email address for
  • Email Nurture Sequence – Here’s where you build your relationship, establish authority, show massive value, and ultimately, invite them to buy your offer by showing them how your offer supports their JTBD
Set up your hardest working sales ‘person’ and set on (almost) autopilot

'...having an email list is the closest thing you can have to a printing press that will print money for you.' Jeff Walker

#3. Launches for Lift Off

Effectively build demand for your offer before you 'open for business' Create reach and revenue spikes in across your business year.

Not easy peasy, but entirely doable. The sure fire process for building revenue spikes into your year
Mastering The Launch is like putting your Sales on Super-Boost

'If you are not embarrassed by the first version of your product, you’ve launched too late.'— Reid Hoffman, co-founder of LinkedIn

  • A well executed Launch can mean the difference between Loss and Profit through to fast tracking Scale
  • It’s the most cost effective way to bring your beautiful offers to the world, for real results
  • Fast track it all
  • Build demand for your offer before you ‘open for business’
  • Create reach and revenue spikes in across your business year.
  • Not easy peasy, but entirely doable. The sure fire process for building revenue spikes into your year
  • Mastering The Launch is like putting your Sales on Super-Boost


  • Tease ‘n Test – Part one of a launch is setting up anticipation and creating a sense of collaboration
  • Master the Masterclass – Part two does all the heavy lifting for you, if it’s done well, your clients will be begging to buy from you
  • Open for Business! – Possibly the most thrilling moment of your launch, when you click the Open Cart button, & allow your clients to say Yes!
  • Post Launch Nurture – A well executed campaign keeps the love flowing, even if they don’t buy from you this time.

#4. Leverage for Living

Create and market digital products that increase revenue and impact, while reducing effort Significantly scale your reach and revenue

This generally follows after the initial 6 month programme. We develop a strategy for you to shift away from earning an hourly rate, and to start leveraging your income.

You’ve done the work, at this point you will have implemented each element at least once. Leverage allows you to run through the full step by step process on a digital offering

Create a fully digital offering Use Master Your Messaging, Lists, and Launches to set yourself up, and marketing level 2 intro

'If you don’t find a way to make money while you sleep, you will work until you die.' Warren Buffet

How we work together

I work with one on one clients in three different ways, either weekly, fortnightly or monthly.

Each session is 90 minutes. We review the previous week’s tasks, unpack learnings and then understand and discuss the next steps.

I am always available via whatsapp and am available via email Monday to Friday.

I spend an additional 90 minutes in the period following each session supporting you with any needed tech / design etc. as needed

Your additional time allocation should be around 3 hours between sessions.

I couldn't have done it without you helping me to hone in on the heart of it and master my message. ... Gilda, people don't understand how hard it is to really get down to the nitty-gritty of who you want to serve, who that person is, and who you are and that relationship. I'm really processing how much I appreciate you and that I can feel my entire business coming together because of you. Thank you so much.

Stella Douglas