Ruby Marketing & Business Accelerator

The Ultimate Website Checklist

Website Checklist

Here’s why you need a website checklist to make the most of your online presence.

A website is a bit different to a store in a busy mall (thank goodness!). 

A busy mall means that many potential buyers are exposed to your offerings throughout the day – this exposure increases your chance of a sale.

A website on it’s own will not work hard for you. In fact, it will be quite a lonely place, like a store on a deserted island (yes it’s true, sorry!).

Thankfully, there are some easy-enough steps that will get them to your site, convert them to subscribers, and then to clients. Read on.

#1. Get them to your site

That’s why it’s vital that you support your website through marketing, both SEO (making sure that your site shows up when people google / search) and proactive marketing via social media, emails ad possibly traditional media channels.

Step one is to implement marketing strategies that get interested people to your website. Take a look at our Bootcamps if you need some guidance here.

When someone gets to your site, it’s no guarantee that they’ll buy, but it’s a sign of at least a dot of interest. 

#2. Now your site needs to work hard for you

I’m pretty sure you’ve googled your way through dozens of websites in a matter of minutes. Most of us have. And, as much as we think we’ll remember that special something about each site we visit, we generally don’t, and they lose the chance of turning us into a customer.

Here’s a website checklist of elements that will help you to convert more visitors into clients.

Home Page and Landing Pages

Above the fold

This is the part of your page that visitors can see without scrolling

Your headline must clearly state how you can help them. Clear over clever wins every time.  If you can be specific, even better.

Don’t sell the product, sell the outcome – how will they be better off with your product?

Testimonials, ratings, media exposure – all of these help you to establish some product credibility ad trust upfront.

Use a clear button to tell your visitor what they should do next. We’re generally  inclined to follow instructions. 

Up to 50% of your sales will come through your consistent email engagement. You’d like to ge their email address before they move on, so that you have another chance to build a relationship with them. Can you offer them something of value in exchange for theor email address. A well designed opting freebie can work exceptionally hard for your business.

Your subheading should encourage them to move down the page (below the fold). It should promise that you are about to solve their greatest pain. Read on …

Show your product visually, or even better, show a smiling person using your product.

Below the fold

This is the part of your page that visitors can see by scrolling down the page

They bothered to scroll down. Tell them how their lives will be better if they use your product.

Highlight the key benefits, and explain each benefit in a sentence or two.

If you have a product, tell this story with an image, and pointers with notes.

More testimonials and social proof

They’ve made it this far, now they want some deets. Share between 3 – 5 top stand out features of your product.

Reasons to act now, and a button that is clear about how they should act.

They’re still with you, Yay! Tell them a bit about YOU, and how you are committed to helping them have a better life.

If you can, share how you have been where they are, you GET their challenge, and you know how to help them.

Are there some common  burning questions or objections that might prevent them from buying? Help them to see that you ge it, and have done what you can to resolve this challenge for them.

Coming up next week – SEO 101 for your website. Hate it, or maybe love it, you got to get your head around it!

And we’ll hold your hand through all of it. 

XX Gilda